
Translational Med.
New therapeutic advances achieved through regenerative biological medicine and tissue bioengineering have provided a natural, efficient and effective tool available to all patients.
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Stem Cells
This is a set of cells present in the organism with total or partial capacity of differentiation to other specific types of cellular tissues and with the capacity of self-renewing during long periods of time.
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What is SVF?
It is the set of cells present in the whole organism with the capacity to regenerate different tissues damaged, both by traumatism and by the own cellular aging
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Enzymatic Kit Control, la máxima bioseguridad en el proceso ADSC System®, desarrollado y patentado por Lyposmol Biotech, para garantizar la ausencia de actividad enzimática en cada implante SVF “in situ”
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Action fields



Potencia los mecanismos de regeneración

En la línea de la Medicina Translacional, Lyposmol ha desarrollado el sistema de procesamiento ADSC SYSTEM cumpliendo con todos los requisitos legales.

Cosmetic medicine and surgery

Medicina estetica

La nueva generación de la medicina

Nuevos avances terapéuticos conseguidos a través de la medicina biológica regenerativa y de la bioingeniería

Plastic surgery

cirugia plastica lyposmol

Nuevas tecnologías en terapia celular

El avance científico sobre la medicina translacional ofrece más de 1.500 estudios al año publicados en la revistas científicas más importes.


maxilofacial celulas madre

La ingeniería tisular es el futuro

ADSC y su línea osteogénica


odontologia lyposmol

En la línea de la Medicina Translacional

Por el mecanismo de transdiferenciación, todas las células mesenquimales adultas pueden ser transformadas en el nicho in vivo, en cualquier tipo celular dentro de su propio linaje.

Discover the Advantages and Benefits of Regenerative Medicine using Lyposmol Adsc System®

Los nuevos avances terapéuticos conseguidos a través de la medicina biológica regenerativa y de la bioingeniería tisular, han dado paso a al nacimiento de una nueva medicina más natural, eficiente y eficaz, que potencia los mecanismos de regeneración en detrimento de los de reparación.
Enzymatic reagent developed by Lyposmol with the highest quality, effectiveness and optimization in obtaining SVF.
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EKC® system included in the kit for checking the absence of enzymatic activity prior to each SVF implant.
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CE marking for the group of medical devices and Enzymatic reagent (clean room N5 packaged).
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Cost effective product and operating room with minor Ambulatory surgery.
Immediate therapy in the same surgical act.
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Lyposmol Clients Clinical Experiences

Patients treated with Lyposmol ADSC System undergo major changes short, medium and long term thanks to the properties and functions:
  • Before-Rodilla
    Antes Rodilla Después
  • Before-Células 2
    After-Células 2
    Antes Células 2 Después

Cellular Regeneration and Differentiation

Inhibit the proliferation of LT, NK and dendritic cells

Secretion of cytokines regulation

They regulate the maturation of B cells and their secretions

PARACRIN Secretion of HGF, TGF Beta 1

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and PGE2 secretion

They decrease the production of IL 17 of CD4 +

Mechanisms mediated by INOS

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Photo Gallery and Videos

Our main objective is the satisfaction of our customers, therefore, we continue to develop, optimize and research constantly to offer the best products and services in the field of regenerative medicine with the highest scientific rigor

  • Interventions
  • Liposuction
  • Workshops de ADSC System
  • Photos of the kit separately